About Us

Since its creation in 2006, the company performs IT outsourcing. Basically, it's a remote server administration and support for different complexity Web-projects. Our basic principle is to assist customers by using innovative and original solutions.
During company’s work the team has carried out several large High-load systems for web projects. Our specialists have vast experience in modern server solutions (from a standard LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) to Amazon EC2 services (cloud computing systems) that prepared us to solve any complex challenge.
Personnel is an integral part of any company. Company’s management always strives to ensure that each employee can fully implement intellectual and professional potential. We are aware that only a close-knit team of highly skilled professionals can achieve success in a highly competitive market of IT-services. Thanks to a high qualification, motivation and teamwork we have succeed very well.
Taking into account company’s work specification there is not a specific office. Our employees are located in different cities of Russia. However, you can always contact us.